Media-reported corporate governance transgressions in broad-based black economic empowerment deals in the South African mining sector

  • AdeÌ€le Thomas Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management, University of Johannesburg
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, boards of directors, emerging markets, empowerment, transformation, media


The study explored the nature of publically identified corporate governance transgressions relating to deals designed to promote black economic empowerment (BEE) at 22 South African mining companies. A review of South African English language newspaper articles was undertaken for the period 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2011. Reported transgressions were assessed against a framework developed from relevant codes and legislation. Political interference/nepotism/fronting was the most-cited category of behaviour promoting governance transgressions, followed by fraud/ structuring of controversial BEE deals, and mismanagement/negligence. Public concern about governance of BEE deals in the mining sector and, accordingly, about the contribution of BEE to the broad socio-economic upliftment of historically disadvantaged South Africans, is highlighted. 


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