Corporate governance, integrated reporting, and stakeholder management: A case study of Eskom

  • Shaun Vorster University of Stellenbosch Business School
  • Christelle Marais University of Stellenbosch Business School


King III recommends the use of integrated reporting to report on an organisation’s corporate governance practices and triple- bottom-line (TBL) performance. This article qualitatively evaluates Eskom’s response to their stakeholders’ TBL interests and expectations. Eskom’s 2012 integrated report did not fully disclose stakeholder management at the rational level, i.e. it did not identify, group, and map its stakeholder groups with their respective TBL interests and expectations. Through content analysis, applying deductive coding on the Eskom 2012 integrated report, it was found that, at a transactional level, the report meaningfully disclosed the utility’s engagement with the majority of stakeholders’ TBL interests and expectations. 


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