Reviewing State-Owned Entities’ Governance Landscape in South Africa

  • Modimowabarwa Hendrick Kanyane HUMAN SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL
Keywords: State-owned entities, shareholders, governance, corporate governance, political interference and development


The current state-owned entities’ governance landscape ranges from fragmented accountability frameworks to convoluted array of parent entities, subsidiaries and sub-subsidiaries. The article reviews the state-owned entities’ governance landscape to unravel underlying inconsistencies and contradictions and thereby provides a compelling argument for opting to create an overarching state-owned entities’ governance and seamless legislative framework. As the proposed overarching option is not an absolute resolve, the study tests whether the option could assist in arriving at a liberating praxis that would straddle though fulfilling corporate and developmental aspirations of the state. The study perused research reports and literature review applying qualitative methods.


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Author Biographies

Modimowabarwa Hendrick Kanyane, HUMAN SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL
 MODIMOWABARWA KANYANE is a Chief Research Specialist at the Human Sciences Research Council. He holds a D. Administration at the University of Pretoria. Prof Kanyane is extraordinaire and adjunct Professor at Tshwane University of Technology and University of Fort Hare, supervised numerous masters and doctoral theses. He is well read and published scholar and his high impact publication record spans the authoring of books, book chapters and peer-reviewed scholarly articles.
KOMBI SAUSI holds a Master’s degree in Anthropology with a focus on international migration in South Africa. Prior to joining the HSRC he was a graduate assistant and part time lecturer at the University of KwaZulu-Natal where he is studying for his PhD on household dynamics and gender relations in the water sector. He assisted the Presidential Review Committee on State Owned Entities by providing research support to the Research Development Unit of the committee.



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