Critical pedagogy for teaching HRM in the context of social change

  • Shaun Ruggunan Discipline of Human Resources Management, School of Management, Information Technology and Governance, University of KwaZulu-Natal
  • Dorothy Spiller Teaching Development Unit, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand


This paper considers the imperatives of human resource management (HRM) studies in the context of contemporary South Africa. The authors draw on critical management studies (CMS) and the principles of emancipatory education to inform their argument for a critical and relevant HRM curriculum and associated teaching and learning approaches. The authors propose that the content and processes of HRM education must prepare students for critical participation in the contemporary South African society and workplace. The discussion outlines the rationale for the study, the specific prompts for its initiation, the theoretical framework of CMS, and Freire’s concept of emancipatory education. 


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