Responsible business practices: Aspects influencing decision-making in small, medium and micro-sized enterprises

Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, decision-making, responsible business practices, small, medium and micro-sized enterprises, SMME owners, South Africa


AbstractSociety demands responsible actions from both large and small medium and micro-sized enterprises (SMMEs). This study sought to identify the aspects that influence decision-makers of SMMEs to utilise business resources for responsible business practices (RBP) and the different demographic variables that impact on these influencing aspects. After multi-stage sampling, results from a self-administered questionnaire distributed to 84 SMMEs in the Tshwane region indicated that personal feelings and emotions, ethics, morals, financial condition, requests from friends and family, religion and competitive reasons influence SMME decision-makers to spend on RBP. Interesting relationships between these aspects and age, education and gender were identified.  


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Author Biography

Edmund John Ferreira, Business Management, Unisa.
Business Management, Professor.


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