Business practices influencing ethical conduct of small and medium-sized enterprises in Uganda

  • Jamiah Mayanja Makerere University
  • Sandra Perks NMMU
Keywords: business ethics, knowledge acquisition, management practices, SMEs


Although small- and medium businesses (SMEs) significant economic contributions are globally acknowledged, many SMEs in Uganda have not fully adopted and integrated ethics into their business strategies. This study explores the business practices that influence SME’s ethical conduct in Uganda. Primary data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. A sample of 384 SME owner/managers was surveyed employing convenience sampling. The data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The empirical findings show that the business practices of SMEs significantly influence their ethical business conduct in Uganda. It was suggested that SME business owners/managers pay attention to their management practices and ensure that all employees are knowledgeable on what ethical business conduct entails or how to apply it in the workplace.


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Author Biographies

Jamiah Mayanja, Makerere University
Dr Jamiah Mayanja is a lecturer of Marketing and Management. Her main teaching areas include: Business Administration, Principles of Marketing, Relationship Marketing and Sales force Management. Her main focus for research is in the field of Business Ethics in the SME sector.          
Sandra Perks, NMMU
Prof Sandra Perks is a full professor lecturing Marketing Management and Strategic and General Management.  Her research field of expertise is in entrepreneurship and SMME management, especially in the informal business sector in South Africa and in environmental “green†studies.  She conducts both qualitative and quantitative research studies and have published various journal articles and in national and international conferences proceedings. She is passionate about women empowerment.


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