Perceived ethical leadership in relation to employees’ organisational commitment in an organisation in the Democratic Republic of Congo

  • Jeremy Mitonga-Monga University of South Africa
  • Frans Cilliers UNISA
Keywords: Ethical leadership, organisational commitment, Democratic Republic of Congo


The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between ethical leadership and organisational commitment. A cross-sectional quantitative survey approach was used, with a non-probability purposive sample of 839 employees from a railway organisation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The results indicate that ethical leadership perceptions have a significant influence on the level of organisational commitment. The study further indicated that ethical leadership predicted employees’ affective, continuance and normative and overall commitment. These results add new insights to the construct of business ethics by showing that a positive perception of ethical leadership by employees is an important consideration in enhancing their organisational commitment.The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between ethical leadership and organisational commitment. A cross-sectional quantitative survey approach was used, with a non-probability purposive sample of 839 employees from a railway organisation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The results indicate that ethical leadership perceptions have a significant influence on the level of organisational commitment. The study further indicated that ethical leadership predicted employees’ affective, continuance and normative and overall commitment. These results add new insights to the construct of business ethics by showing that a positive perception of ethical leadership by employees is an important consideration in enhancing their organisational commitment.


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Author Biography

Jeremy Mitonga-Monga, University of South Africa
Jeremy Mitonga-Monga (M.Admin Unisa)LecturerDiscipline of Industrial & Organisational PsychologySchool of Management SciencesUniversity of South AfricaPreller StreetMuckleneuk0003E-mail: +27 12 429 2344


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